The last lesson for class 12 Flamingo English | AHSEC, RBSE, NCERT etc. notes

Are you a student and looking for “The last lesson” questions and answers? If yes, then this blog is only for you. In this blog we give you important questions and answers “The last lesson”. All questions and answers are given by one of the best teachers for 12 who have 20 years teaching experience.

The last lesson

The Last Lesson questions and answers part 1:

 1. “I started for school very late that morning” Who is the `I`?

Answer = Here, Franz is `I`.

2. What did M. Hamel say that he would ask his student`s that morning?

ANSWER= M. Hamel said that he would ask his student same questions on participle. 

3.Why did Franz start for school very late that morning?


Why was Franz in gread dread?

ANSWER = The teacher told the students earlier that he would ask some questions on participles

that morning. But Franz, did not know anything about participles. So, Franz was in great 

dreas of a scolding so, he started for school very late that morning. 

4. What did Franz think for a moment?

ANSWER =Franz thought for a movement of runnung away and spending the day out of doors.

5. What was the atmosphere on the last day at school?


What kind of day was it?

ANSWER = it was so warm, so bright. 

6. What were much more tempting than the rule for participles?

Answer= According to Franz birds chirping and drilling of the prussion soldiers were much more tempting than the rule for partiples. 

7.what is the name of the blacksmith in “The last lesson”? 

Answer = The name of the blackdsmith is wachter in the last lesson.

 8. What did Franz find so unusual at school that morning?


What was the most unusual that day in the class? 

ANSWER = Franz found that morning everything as quiet as sunday morning. The villagers in the 

classroom was the most ususual . 

9. what is the river mentioned in “The lesson”? 

ANSWER= The name of the river is ‘soor’ mentioned in ‘The last lesson’.

10. How long did M.Hamel teach in the school?


How long did M.Hamel serve in his school? 

ANSwer= M.Hamel served for 40 years in his school. 

11.What did M.Hamel tell student morning his chair?


What was the bad news that had come from Berlin? 

ANSWER =  M.Hamel told the students mounting his chair that an order had come from Berlin to 

teach only German language instead of French in all the schools of alsace and larraine . This 

was the bad news that had come from Berlin.

12. What was the great trouble with Alsace?

ANSWER = The gread trouble with Alsace was that she put off learning till tomorrow.

13. What did M.Hamel do when he wanted to go for fishing? 

Answer = M.Hamel  gave a holiday when he wanted to go for fishing.

14. what did M.Hamel wanr to give his student before going away? 

ANSWER= Before going away M.Hamel wanted to give his students wanted all he knew. 

15. what did M.Hamel write on the black board as the church clock stuck twelve on the day of the last lesson? 


What did M.Hamel write at the end of the class?

ANSWER= On the day of the last lesson M.Hamel wrote on the black bord “vive la France ” as the church clerk struck twelve. 

16. Why was the lesson called the last lesson? 

ANSWER = AN order had come from Berlin to teach only German instead of French in the school of Alsace and Lorraine That was the lost French lesson. so, the lesson was called the last lesson .so, the lesson was called the last lesson. 

17. what news had been displayed on the bulletin board since the lost two year in ‘The Last Lasson’? 

ANSWER= For the two year all the bad news had been displayed on the bulletin board. The bed 

news were the lost batles , the draft, the order of the commanding officer. 

18.Why did wachter , the black smith, tell franz not to school? 

ANSWER = The black smith told Franz not to school. Because he knows that was the last French lesson. as per order of Berlin from the the next day only German would be taught in those schools. 

19. Why was Franz surprised to see  M.Hamel on that particular morning when he went in late?

ANSWER= Franz was surprised to see M.Hamel on that particular morning. Because M.Hamel put 

on his most beautyful dress. He put on that special dress only on inspection and prise days.

20. what did Franz to do instead of learning his lessons?

ANSWER= Franz loved to go for seeking bird’s eggs or going sliding on thrtiva  saar . He loved 

to enjoy the outside scenery. 

21. Will they make them sing in German even the Region?What suggest? 


Franz thinks. “Will they make them sing in German. even the Rigeons ? 

ANSWER= An order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the school of Alsace and lorraine . The German people complled everybody to learn German language. So, Franz regretted if the Germany would campel ever the pigeons to sing in German. 

22. Why did Franz want to spend his day out of doors?

ANSWER= Franz did not know anything about the rules of participles. But M.Hamel would ask him 

about the rules of participles. Besides the outside scenery was tempting. so, Franz wanted 

to spend the day out of doors. 

23. Who is the author of “The last lesson “?

ANSWER = Alphonse Daudet is the author of the last lesson.

24. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

ANSWER= Franz was expected to be prepared with the rules of participles for the school that day. 

25. What had been put up in the bulletin board?

ANSWER= It had been put up in the bulletin board that from the next day onwards only German 

would be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine.

HERE:The Last Lesson questions and answer’s part 2

Also read: Lost spring questions and answers for 12


In this blog, we provide the last lesson important questions, which are provided by one of the best teachers. who have 20 years teaching experience. I hope you like these all of questions and answers; if you have any problem, please leave a comment or contact us.

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